Friday 30 June 2023

Killermont course update

 Killermont Course update 

Please excuse that we haven’t managed to get an update on the course over the past couple of weeks due to our busy working schedule of long days and nights during the dry spell,  desperately trying to maintain turf quality on all the key areas which we could just about manage with our limited irrigation and water source. 

We are in the process of having our water source and full Irrigation survey done from a certified architect and we shall report on all options and any course of action the board see fit moving forward. 

It would have been noticed we had prioritised water and moisture levels over basic things like strimming and regular raking bunkers during the heatwave period. 

That will have looked quite untidy around the course and that really is frustrating for us to put so much work in and have to drive past the basic things which  we would normally be well on top of, we could understand if some thought we had been neglecting some things but the truth is we work so hard to establish the more desirable “finer grasses” on all of our surfaces and we see it as imperative we try to maintain this coverage to all our reachable main playing surfaces. 

As much as the hours spent are challenging we are now certain that it has all been worth while. 

We had a relatively dry but cold May, straight into a 5 week blistering hot period late May and through June. 

With our irrigation running through the night to manage greens and approx 80% of our surrounds we got into a routine of hand watering the 20% of surrounds, full  approaches and all tees every day. 

In that soaring  heat we are having to apply much more water than we would if running through the night as the evaporation is as high as 6mm per day, night irrigation would only need around  2mm to maintain turf quality. 

We are also having to apply much more wetting agents as when it is so hot for so long some parts of the soils become hydrophobic meaning they repel water so wetting agents need to be applied directly to localised areas. 

It is a relentless challenge but we feel like we have not only maintained the turf quality but improved on all of the targeted surfaces. 

The approaches were the next target in line for improvement and we feel they are now in the best possible condition even coming through the dry hot spell.

The rain had come just on time as not only the turf but the team had become exhausted.

As we mentioned in previous reports we were certain that by taking the measures mentioned combined with raised height of cut we would not only maintain the turf quality but we would recover very quickly, I think it’s fair to say our recovery has been just that, quick and full….

Rest assured that without that input we know that rain alone would not have recovered the turf loss and we would by now be looking at an extensive  overseeding and fertiliser program.

As good as it is to see the rain come and replenish the course not to mention give the team some rest it has highlighted that we do have some recurring drainage issues in some key in play areas. 

The back left of the 13th we had already done some drainage relief to the worst spot which is now fine and dry only to find the surrounding area is now suffering. 

We found some old drainage here and the backfill material had solidified so we replaced the worst section given, in-season time restraints. 

We are now planning to extend that work soon after Tuesday’s medal.

Another area of concern which we are targeting next week is back right of 1st green in between 2nd tee, we are guessing its a similar problem but it will be tackled and repaired asap, out with main events with minimal disruption. 

This week as moisture levels are up we have started to reduce the heights of cut to our desired levels for better playability while not in danger of stressing the plant. 

This weeks workload…

Cut greens daily 3mm

Greens Rolled ahead of evening events i.e Final league team match to ensure home advantage with quicker greens as rain throughout the day had dropped speeds considerably. 

Fairways cut 4x 16mm 

Tees cut 4x 10mm 

Approaches cut 4x 10mm 

Surrounds cut 3x 25mm 

Fly mowing and strimming bunker banks etc.

All semi rough cut 

Practice ranges prepared 

Bunkers prepared daily

Greens spraying fungicide 

Fairways seed divot 

Looking forward to setting up for tomorrows medal, let’s hope the rain doesn’t hinder preparation, never happy us Greenkeepers.

We have attached a report on our tasks from turf keeper during the dry spell late May up to the 17th June. An overwhelming 32% of our time spent hand watering as the report refers to as “tees” but in-fact that is all surface targets mentioned in the update report. 
